
Hi!, I'm Ahumaro Mendoza

A little about myself.

Hi!, I'm Ahumaro Mendoza

Welcome to my blog section. This series of articles are intended to explore, test and tinker new technologies and solutions and of course, to learn at the same time that we build prototypes and test case scenarios.

My name is Ahumaro Mendoza and I have been working as a Computer Systems Engineer since 2000. I consider myself a full-stack developer that feels confortable in the backend but also very confortable doing exciting things in the frontend, exploring and testing new tools and technnologies. The continous search for new knowlegde is one of my passions.

I have worked in very large scale projects at the Oil and Gas industry (Schlumberger, Pemex, etc.), and also for Telecomunications industry (Iusacell).

Apart from my love for technology, I am a hardcore fan of cinema, that enjoys a lot the experience to be in a movie theathre. Jazz is my kind of music, Jazz and all its derivatives, but I can listen and enjoy almost any kind of music genres with its exceptions.

Also I can consider myself a part-time gamer that enjoys series like Metal Gear and Zelda. I love photography and to go out to do some photo safari trips with my DSLR. Cars, Japanese culture and traditions, swiming, arts of all kind, ghibli anime, etc., are the things I like.

I hope you can enjoy with me this series of thoughts and tinkering articles.

Feel free to contact me anytime!

Exploring Keep exploring and enjoy!

Ahumaro Mendoza